Social Media Survey

This survey was all about social media and the different accounts people follow. I also asked about how social media plays a role in people's shopping habits as well as the role of influencers to see how much of an impact they have on what people choose to buy. In order to gain responses to the questions I put this survey on my Instagram account and on my Facebook page to try and gain a variety of results. By putting it on both it allowed me to get a different demographic of results than if I had just put it on one. 

This survey was mostly answered by 18-24 year olds which could be because it was placed on my social media accounts and this is my personal demographic. It could also because the nature of the survey is social media and this is the generation who have grown up with social media so they are likely to be the most active on it and use it as a way to do their shopping much more than the older generations. 

 The most common answer for this question was New Look. This could be because I asked a wide variety of people all from different demographics and New Look has a lot of different sections that can cater for all. It does men's, women's, children's and home wear which means there is something for everyone. Not many people followed all of the stores on social media suggesting that not everyone shops at all of them. The breakdown of the results suggested that the under 18s and the 18-24 year olds were more likely to follow all of the competitors on social media than the older generations were.g

Just over half of the people who took part in the survey said they did shop at Topshop or Topman. This could suggest that they instead choose to shop at the competitor stores or that they do not shop at Topshop or the competitor stores. This question indicates that Topshop does have a declining rate of performance due to the clear idea that they are losing their customers as there are now less people shopping there.
The results from this question show how much of an impact influencers now have on people's shopping habits. This survey suggests that many people are aware of influencers and do follow them and are inspired by what they wear and what they buy. The most common answer to the question was that people are sometimes influenced suggesting that it is a trend that is steadily growing and will only increase with time. 
This survey was mainly answered by women which could suggest that Topshop is more popular than Topman. It could also be due to the fact that is was on my social media and more girls than boys follow me and are therefore more likely to answer the questions, getting a stronger response from women than men. 


This question suggests that people are now starting to move away from traditional shopping habits and moving to online where they can easily access the products they want and get them delivered straight to their homes without ever having to leave. This shift is most noticeable with Generation Z and Millenial's who have been around technology for a large proportion of their lives and have become used to this  as a way of shopping. The people who are still more likely to shop in store are the older generation who are more brand loyal and like to see what they are purchasing physically before they buy it.
Almost everyone who took part in the survey answered this question suggesting that online shopping now plays a huge role within our shopping habits. Due to the rise in technology it is now easier than ever to buy what you want without having to leave the house. This rise in online shopping could be part of the reason Topshop has seen a decline in sales as people are now choosing to buy their clothes online as they can often get very similar products for a much cheaper price and without having to leave the house.

 The results from this question suggest that it depends on what gender you are from on whether influencers can change your shopping habits. The breakdown of results suggested that it was the older generation who were less likely to buy from a brand based on an influencer as they are more brand loyal and know what brands they like and don't like. 
Out of all of the brands, the most popular to follow on social media was River Island suggesting that they are more popular than Topshop. This would also agree with other research that I have done which suggests River Island is performing better than Topshop is. Almost everyone who took part in the survey followed more than one of the brands on social media and many people followed them all suggesting that they are all competitors of Topshop and are a contributing factor as to why Topshop is seeing a decline in their sales 


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